RSD Students Deliver at ASL Competition

Hands waving high for our students' BIG wins in the Marie Jean Philips ASL Competition!!! Hosted by Northeastern University, this competition provides a forum for public recognition of the creativity and talent of Deaf and hard-of-hearing students.


With ASL teacher Raelyn Fuechtmann’s guidance and support, our elementary ASL students participated in the prestigious Marie Jean Philip ASL Competition! Their hard work and dedication in creating  “Deaf World- 3D!” ASL Poetry, ASL Storytelling and Deaf Art has paid off!


You can visit this link to view a video of all of this year's 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winning entries. To jump to our RSD winners...


Sylvan 2:11

Carly 4:27

Zeke 21:57

Delaney 49:34

Joshua 53:43




Artwork by Joshua.