Tours & Visits
Welcome to RSD! We would love to have you visit our school. The best way to see if RSD is a good fit for your student is to spend some time with us!
Potential students, their families, and/or school district personnel wishing to visit because they are considering enrolling a student at RSD should contact Lisa Glasser, Director of Services for Children, to schedule a visit. She can be reached at 585-336-5854, via videophone at 585-286-2806, or by e-mail at [email protected].
Museum and Archives
The Carolyn White Siegfried and DeFois Hathaway Siegfried Archive Center maintains records and artifacts from RSD's long and proud history. Requests for archival information and/or to visit the museum and archives should be directed to [email protected]
Other Guided Visits
Other types of visits are by advance appointment only and only as educational programming and staffing permits. Preference will be given to requests with business/educational purposes.
We ask that you do not drop into campus without an appointment and inquire to see if a visit is possible well in advance. To request an appointment, call: 585-544-1240; Videophone: 585-286-2808; e-mail: [email protected] and let us know the purpose of your requested visit.
Games and Events
Home and visiting team family members and the public at large are welcome to attend RSD home athletic games and programs unless otherwise stated by the RSD Athletic Director. RSD campus security personnel and signage direct visitors to parking areas and building entrances, including handicap-accessible entrances.
Registered guests for RSD fundraising events and programs, or visitors attending special presentations or meetings open to the public at RSD, are guided by RSD campus security personnel and signage to appropriate parking areas and building entrances, including handicap accessible entrances.
We respectfully request that you do not explore other areas of the school when on campus for an event.
School Visitor Expectations
The following guidelines must be followed to ensure the safety of RSD’s students, staff, visitors and volunteers:
- Sign in and out of the main office.
- Wear an identification badge while on campus, which the main office will provide.
- To ensure the safety of all students, visitors/volunteers must avoid physical contact with them.
- Visitors can NEVER be alone with students.
- Respect the authority of staff, teachers, and school administrators.
- Be only in assigned areas.
- Treat all information regarding students and personnel as confidential.
- Follow school procedures and communication policy.
- Comply with the School’s Code of Conduct.
- Familiarize yourself with the school’s emergency procedures (i.e. fire, lock-out, lock-down, etc.)
Please don’t hesitate to contact the school administrator with any concerns about your visitor/volunteer experience.
Code of Conduct Summary
- Promote and enjoy a safe, orderly, stimulating, and bilingual school environment, supporting active teaching and learning.
- Maintain and enjoy a climate of mutual respect and dignity, regardless of actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender, sex, or any other legally protected category which will strengthen students’ self-concept and promote confidence to learn.
- Know and understand that any and all violations of the Code of Conduct will be investigated fairly and timely, with potential consequences handled similarly.
- Promote and enjoy two-way communication between all members of the school community.
- Understand that each community member (student, staff, parent/guardian, or visitor) deserves respect and consideration.
- Dress appropriately for school and school functions in accordance with the guidelines outlined in this handbook.
- Address personal biases that may prevent equal treatment of all students in the school or classroom setting.