Signs for All

Our congratulations go out to Terri Mertz on her retirement! 
RSD is currently accepting applications for a new and expanded role,
Outreach and Family Support Coordinator. 
Click here to see the posting.

The Signs for All Program is an important outreach service provided by the Rochester School for the Deaf.  We strive to make learning American Sign Language (ASL) accessible and fun for RSD families, the community, and local businesses and organizations.

boy signingASL Classes for RSD Families

We offer ASL classes for the families of RSD students.  These classes are designed to provide introductory support for navigating basic family life and to open up opportunities for meaningful and open communication with your Deaf or hard-of-hearing child.

girl signing "in"ASL Classes for the Community

Are you interested in learning ASL?  Whether you are a beginner or want to advance your proficiency in ASL, we'd love to see you in one of our classes!  This is a great way to help you communicate with friends, clients, patients, and family.

man signingASL Programs for Businesses and Organizations

We partner with Rochester area businesses and organizations to assist you in serving Deaf and hard-of-hearing customers, clients, patients, and coworkers.  We will work with you to develop a program to meet your unique needs, focusing on vocabulary and services for your industry. 

woman signingSign Language Proficiency Interviews

We coordinate Sign Language Proficiency Interviews (SLPI) to assess how well people are able to use sign language for communication, and, as appropriate, to use this information to assist people in development of their sign language communication skills.